E-Commerce Workshop by Open Montessori & New School Montessori
The Open Montessori E-Commerce Workshop is a 5-day primer course designed to demystify the world of online retail sales and marketing. New School students from the 7th and 8th grade classroom will be invited to build a fully-functional digital storefront, market a selection of custom products, and fulfill orders placed online.
During the workshop, students will work directly with several technologies that underpin today’s retail ecosystem including Shopify, Meta Ads, and Google Analytics. Together with new AI tools, the class will develop imagery and text descriptions optimized for SEO. After looking ‘under the hood’ at how content is generated, propagated and monetized online, students will be asked to reflect on some of the opportunities and risks of today’s high-paced consumer landscape.
**All proceeds from the New School Store will be directed toward student field trips.**
Tim Austin, AIA Architect
Tim attended the New School from its founding in 1990 through 2000. He went on to study architecture at Cornell University and product design at the Politecnico di Milano in Italy. Currently, Tim practices architecture at the design studio Colab XYZ in Lititz, PA
Kathryn Sheldon Photographer
Kathryn is a NYC-based photographer and videographer, specializing in the culinary and hospitality realms. She helped lead the first Open Montessori Workshop in 2020, introducing students to the fundamentals of image creation and curation.