Age Range: Ages 9 to 12 Years (Grades 4–6)
Time: 8:15 AM – 2:45 PM
Class Days: Monday through Friday
Where: Lancaster City
Our Montessori Upper Elementary Program continues to provide collaborative communities that recognize and support the children’s growth toward adolescence. Emphasis is placed on reading to find out new information and writing to share with others what has been learned. Choice is still available and there are many more assigned activities. Students are guided to organize their time to complete multiple assignments over different time periods. Teachers place more emphasis on connecting children to the larger world around them as they move towards full participation in their society.
Teachers work to support the growth of both competency and comprehension for their students. The overall goal of work at the upper elementary level is to support, guide and challenge children in the years from 9–12. Learning activities are designed to offer a healthy balance of both skill development and problem-solving activities. Textbooks are introduced at this level and teachers continue to prepare hands-on learning experiences.
Montessori materials are used at the upper elementary levels to introduce new concepts, and children at this age often move to paper and pencil practice more rapidly than when they were younger.
Students work independently… plan topics for study… work in small groups… learn research techniques… explore hands-on environmental activities… engage in class meetings and debate…extend foreign language student to include reading and writing… present oral reports… structure their time… assist younger students… apply their research to real life issues… begin to understand how they are connected to the world.