School Closing & Delay Information

 We will communicate a closing or delay via text message and/or email by 6:30 a.m. 

WGAL will also provide closing /delay information:  

Delayed Openings
  • No Early Birds.
  • All programs dismiss at their regular times.
  • If conditions in your area are too hazardous, please keep your child at home.
Early Dismissal
  • If afternoon conditions are deteriorating, check the media listed above.
  • You will receive an email or text communicating a change in hours.
  • School districts that announce early dismissal will pick up New School students according to THEIR discretion, please check with your district. Parents must call New School at 717-397-7655 if they do not want their child to ride the bus.
Early Dismissal on Half Days

Our Early Dismissal Time for Infant, Toddler, and Primary is 11:45 a.m.

EE, UE, and MS Early Dismissal Time is 11:30 a.m.

Manheim Township for Infant, Toddler, and Primary is 11:45 a.m.

School Closing

School may be closed for a variety of reasons including road conditions, a fluctuation in indoor temperature in the building (too cold, below 65 degrees or too warm), or any condition that causes a safety concern for our students or staff.