About Our Programs

In a Montessori program, children from the age of three onward are grouped in classes that include three different ages. The middle school program includes seventh and eighth graders. In these multi-aged groups, each child enjoys the role of the youngest, the middle, and the oldest child, over the time he or she spends in a class. In our multi-aged classrooms, older children help with younger ones, just as they would in a big family. This experience reinforces what children have already learned and strengthens their own integrity and responsibility. Younger children, in turn, benefit because children do learn from their peers as well as from their teachers.

Play is the young child’s work. The object of his efforts is the creation of the adult he will become. The child shows clearly an inner need to learn to know himself and his world.  He wants very much to develop his intelligence, to learn to control his motions, to explore and to order his impressions of the world, to become independent and responsible.

As children grow through the stages of development leading to young adulthood, their horizons continue to expand.  Their understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them deepens. They seek to move from membership in a family to citizenship in the world.

Montessori teachers design classrooms and structure curricula to support children’s growth and development. A Montessori education helps each child to discover himself, to understand others, and to recognize his place in the universe.

New Beginnings

Ages 12 to 24 Months​

This 6 week program provides parents with the opportunity to talk about the joys and frustrations of parenthood, to learn about the physical, cognitive, and emotional development of their children, to gain some understanding of Montessori philosophy, and to give and receive support from other parents experiencing similar issues. 


Ages 18 Months to 3 Years

Our Montessori Toddler Program offers very young children, a safe and loving environment in which they can explore, learn independently, and gain a healthy sense of themselves.


Ages 3 to 6 Years

Our Montessori Primary Program focuses on developing the whole child, integrating all aspects of development into a meaningful, joyful experience. This is an important time for cognitive, social, emotional, and motor development in children.

Early Elementary

Ages 6 to 9 Years

Our Montessori Early Elementary Program provides collaborative communities that foster order, respect, and a child’s innate desire to learn. Multi-age classrooms allow students to work together and learn from each other.

Upper Elementary

Ages 9 to 12 Years

Our Montessori Upper Elementary Program continues to provide collaborative communities that recognize and support the children’s growth toward adolescence. Emphasis is placed on reading to find out new information and writing to share with others what has been learned.

Middle School

Ages 12 to 14 Years

Our Montessori Middle School Program, building on the collaborative foundation established in earlier years, supports students as they begin the transition from childhood to adulthood.

After School Programs

We offer a wide variety of extra curricular programs available after school, as well as a general program from 3–6pm.

Summer Camps

Summer is a great time for children to explore the world around them, experience the joy of self-discovery and enjoy a variety of age-appropriate activities geared for their individual needs and interests. Your child will experience our outdoor environment and all it has to offer!

Discovering Us

“What the New School provides is a wonderful environment where children are able to become active learners. The added bonus is the level of respect they learn for their peers, their teachers and the environment. We couldn’t find that combination anywhere else.”

Marcy Radcliffe, New School Montessori Parent